The Myth of Maturity
Right before I sat down to write, I was called immature (among other things). Now I don’t know about all that but I do know that the only thing I can think of to write about is maturity so I guess I guess I’ll do just that. Am I mature? Are you mature? It may be more of an opinion so I’ll just give mine.
To me, maturity has more to do with, not the amount of experiences, but how you learn from the experiences you have and the lessons you take from them. That being said, the amount of maturity someone has still has a lot to do with age. Most adults could be considered more mature than most kids. While I do think maturity has more to do with both experiences and age, the older you are the more time you have for experiences and therefore you should be more mature. There are a few exceptions, but 99% of the time this is true. Age and experience go hand in hand.
Most teens writing something like what I’m writing would be positive they’re just as mature and adult as those older than them, but that’s not true. Every year when we move up a grade, we look at those younger than us and think ‘there’s no way I acted like that when I was that age.. these kids are just immature.” (Something along those lines, not word for word. People don’t sound like this when they think)
That’s false.
From age 8-20 something, humans think they know it all. Some look back on those formative years and think, “I was so dumb back then.” What they don’t realize when they say “back then” is that 3 years into the future they’ll say the same things about their current selves. The truth is, unless you’re 25 and over, you can’t be sure if your brain has fully matured. The best thing to do is listen to those who have been around longer than you.
It’s more common to hear an adult say (something to the effect of, not word for word. Again, people don’t think like this) “I wish I would have listened to the adults in my life when I was a kid” than it is to hear them say, “I wish I wouldn’t have listened to the adults in my life.” That’s because the older you get, the more experiences you have — both successes and failures. You are more mature, and you are more capable of listening to advice, as well as looking back and knowing what you did wrong.
So, fellow young people, you may think you know what you’re doing, but in four years, you’ll look back and realize you had no clue. You may think, (something along these lines, not word for word. People don’t sound like this when they think.) “That’s true for most, but I’m more mature, I’m an exception.”
Wait four years, you’ll see. Now, the next time an adult gives you advice, listen to them. Trust me, they’ve experienced more than you.